So, a few days ago Sherry calls me with a question: What does it mean when there are spiders literally EVERYWHERE in your space? (Sherry is my best friend and I will refer to her often, as we interact in some way pretty much every day, and her name is bound to come up from time to time as a result of my relating daily experiences now and then...)
Anyway - the reason she asks me questions like this is because she knows I collect books (and quotes and music and...) on a WIDE variety of subjects although, in my opinion, everything is interconnected to everything else, so it's all really sort of the same subject if you think about it long enough to find the connection. But, I digress.
One of the books is Animal Speakby Ted Andrews. It is very much based on Native American tradition and lore, and has to do with animal totems. The thought is that all animals, including birds and insects, provide messages to us from the Universe (or God or Holy Spirit or whatever label you're comfortable with). You are ABSOLUTELY free to disagree with me, but to me it just makes sense.
Every living, breathing organism on this planet is interconnected with every other, and comes from the same source. Why would we not be able to give and receive information? Why would we choose to limit the information we're willing to accept? Wouldn't we want to gather all the information we could, regardless of the source? I know I'm all about expanding my knowledge base, and I'll take it any way you care to dish it up, thank you!
Please understand that I'm not suggesting that you adopt, or even necessarily believe, all of the information, just that you open yourself up to receiving it and mulling it over to see what you really do think and what really does fit.
So, back to the spiders: If spiders show up in your space in greater than normal numbers or with more persistence (I once had a spider follow me around - literally - for a whole morning before I said, "Okay! I GET it!", whereupon he went on about his spider-y business elsewhere), then you are supposed to pay attention to things represented by the spiders. They are all about being creative, especially where alphabets and the written word are concerned. Are you supposed to be writing? Are you stifling creativity in some other way? Are you "stuck" anywhere in your life (job, relationship, thought process, etc.)? Look around and see where you could be more creative and/or what you need to do to get un-stuck.
My apologies to Mr. Andrews if I've oversimplified or misquoted (the book is in storage right now because I recently moved and haven't unpacked everything yet), but you get the idea. If you're really interested, I suggest you get the book for yourself.
I further suggest that you take another look around the big, wide wonderful world around you and see what else you've been missing. There's LOTS of stuff out there! How much of it do you (or I) really pay attention to, think about in any depth, or have any interaction with whatsoever? I have to go walk around and look at my neighborhood now - lots of stuff just around the corner, even!
I went out geocaching with my family yesterday and have been reflecting on that today... mostly that the neighborhood so close to my own was full of creepy old people who could NOT resist watching (ahem, STARING) what a small family who do not frequent the area are doing. . . they watched our EVERY little moved. It made things very difficult, if you know the sport. *lol* Anyway, reflecting on it now, though it felt odd and creepy then, really puts a smile on my face. I got to see a part of the city I live in that I never really took the time to look around at. I got to see people I'd never seen before, and observe how they observe... *lol* Amusing, interesting, amazing! It makes me really want to go out and do it again SOON... because it gives ME the chance to see the big wide world at the same time. :") OH... and speaking of spiders, there was a MASSIVE spider on one cache I went to grab... eeek! It freaked me out. *lol* I'm glad it didn't follow me around though. ;")
Posted by: Tina H. | April 27, 2009 at 01:15 PM